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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 10.0.1 FP610.0.1 FP6
DLIMBNN36GDesigner - Fixed an issue where Forms would open in Notes Client instead of Designer if Help window was opened in Designer and dragged to Controls...
PJONBMDVVHDesigner - XPages - Fixed an issue where editing XPages document in multiple windows does not allow all windows to save multiple...
HYZGBRJAV7Designer - Fixed an issue where Designer would hang when opening a particular customized XPages database. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP510.0.1 FP5
HOKA99Y2PMXPages - Fixed a problem with file upload where DBCS chars are corrupted by uploading a file whose name has over 45 DBCS chars.
RDJS8VENUNXPages - Fixed an error with Xpages Startkeys Property when trying to return a variant containing datetime - Java.Io.Ioexception: Error While...
PJONAW7SSBDesigner - xPages - Fixed an issue here the Data palette drop down menu was blank resulting in being unable to define a new data source using hthe...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP410.0.1 FP4
LHEY9PAL5HXPages for mobile - Fixed a problem where selecting any of the checkbox/checkbox group & radio button/radio button group controls was very...
MNIAB8HPKQXPages - Fixed a problem with XPages for mobile where the validation error was being displayed twice. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1...
PALTB6VJJHDesigner - Fixed an problem where the Java Compiler preferences in the project properties of a Java Agent did not persist when Designer was closed...
ARANBGSN7QDesigner - Fixed a problem with Data Connection Shared Resources where Isolation level was not being set, causing the feature to...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP310.0.1 FP3
TOCLBC7MGL XPages - Fixed a problem in Domino Designer where XPages would no longer work after opening/closing a form if LibreOffice (v6.2) was installed. ...
RDOLB9734SDesigner - Fixed a problem in Domino Designer where editing and saving LotusScript agents would sometimes hang when "Run in background client thread"...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP210.0.1 FP2
ASHEB9ZF6YDesigner does not restore working sets after restart. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10
GFALB2AHG6Designer - Fixed a problem where the Short Cut keys were not working in LotusScript editor. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1...
MAVAB8EQWPXPage - button click event causes error "com.ibm.xsp.FacesExceptionEx2: CLFAD0377E: No component found with ID $$ajaxid=@none to handle the partial...
Hide details for 10.0.1 FP110.0.1 FP1
DDOOB69PP9Xpages: Fixed the issue where Column label was missing from the View Control. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1FP10
DCONB5MKZL Fixed the issue in Lotus script editor where newly added Lotusscript classes were appearing in ALLCAPS.
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AGUD7LPRDWFix prevents crash when Database.createCollection method is called on an unopened Database.
PALT9Z3NZ8XPages: Fixed a problem where error "this.editor.getData is not a function" would be displayed when within a tabbed table and there is a onClientLoad...
RGAU9R2HWBFixed an issue where customizing the toolbar in the Rich Text Control of Xpages does not work with Partial Refreshes in Notes. This is a regression...
Hide details for 10.010.0
KHRLAQANMHFixed a Lotusscript crash issue creating A Notes View Entry Collection With More Than 33,000 Entries
RGAU95TE2ZXpages - Fixed a crash on Domino server - Various internal messages and errors surfacing from server while sorting and unsorting columns within an...


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